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Virtual Stores

Pop-Up eCommerce Stores

Prime Time Sporting Goods provides a variety of services to our clients through our comprehensive approach, which includes setting up temporary online stores.

Should you be hosting an event or promotion and wish to sell a limited range of promotional clothing items for a limited period, Prime Time Sporting Goods can:

  • Establish a temporary online store;
  • Handle and fulfill orders during the event/promotion;
  • Print and personalize the items at the conclusion of the promotion;
  • Package the items in bulk for shipping to one location to reduce shipping expenses;
  • Send items directly to customers;
  • Terminate the online store.

Temporary online stores simplify the process of managing and distributing items such as team uniforms, corporate uniforms, branded seasonal clothing, merchandise for fundraising, and promotional clothing.

Prime Time Sporting Goods acts as your entry point to a broad array of printed materials and promotional merchandise. Additionally, we offer distribution services. Temporary online stores enhance our main offerings.

Call us at 330-379-0064 (or email us) to learn more!